(4) ザルツブルグでアーモンドミルク
こんなタイミングでNHK衛星テレビで「自転車旅 ユーロヴェロ90000キロ」という番組が午前7時45分から放送されています。これは、アキラという青年がイタリアからチェコまで自転車で旅するというものです。
今日(8月17日)はなんとザルツブルクが登場しました。モーツァルトの生家が出てきたシーンが印象的でした。この建物の2階で室内楽のコンサートを楽しんだことがあるのです! 本物のチェンバロの音を聞いたのは初めてだったので、とても感動したことを覚えています。私はクラッシック音楽は苦手なのですが、今回もここで雰囲気だけでも味わいたいと思っています。もちろん、コンサートがあればの話です。
Almond Milk in Salzburg
This trip is planned for one month. Specifically, it’s composed of a two-week summer break along with one week off before and after. I’ve limited it to this period because taking any more time would be an inconvenience to the other staff members. If I am to travel to 12 countries in one month, the itinerary would allow for visiting only one or two cities in each country.
The last time I visited Austria, I went to Salzburg, famous for its music festivals, and the capital city of Vienna. My impression of Vienna at the time was marred by the smell of exhaust fumes, so this time I’ve decided without hesitation on Salzburg.
Coincidentally, NHK satellite TV is broadcasting a program called “Bicycle Journey: EuroVelo 90,000 kilometers” from 7:45 in the morning. It features a young man named Akira traveling by bicycle from Italy to the Czech Republic.
Today (August 17th), Salzburg made an appearance! The scene showcasing Mozart’s birthplace was striking. I have fond memories of enjoying a chamber music concert on the second floor of this building! It was my first time hearing the authentic sound of a harpsichord, and I remember being very moved by it. Although I’m not fond of classical music, I hope to relish the atmosphere again here, if there is a concert, of course.
And there’s one more thing I want to do. I found out that Mozart’s favorite drink was almond milk. In fact, I love café au lait and café latte. Or rather, I might just love adding milk to anything. I even put milk in sweet sake. I’m looking forward to enjoying almond milk in Mozart’s city, Salzburg!