Rika Ito(セントオラフ大学准教授)を招いての特別授業があります。アメリカ英語の新しい傾向を知るまたとない機会です。ぜひ参加してください。振り替えもOKです。
「Grammatical Change in Contemporary American English」
講師:Rika Ito (Associate Professor, St. Olaf College)
対象:Step 3~5
Rika Ito got her B.A. in English from Hokusei Gakuen University, Sapporo, Japan. A native of Bibai, Hokkaido, a former middle school teacher of English in Takikawa, went to the States to teach Japanese as intern in 1991. After a successful completion of the internships,she applied for a graduate school, earned her Ph.D. in Linguistics from Michigan State University in 1999. She has been teaching Japanese and linguistics in Asian Studies Department at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, U.S.A. since 2002. She enjoys her various roles – teaching Japanese (all levels), coordinating the Japanese Program, mentoring students, and doing research in sociolinguistics. Her work includes phonological change in American English (Northern Cities Vowel Shift) in rural Michigan, morpho-syntactic variation in British English, discourse analysis in Japanese, and variation in self-reference terms in Japanese children’s speech. She has been analyzing Hmong-American English in the Twin Cities, MN, and her article was recently published in American Speech. http://www.stolaf.edu/depts/asian-studies/faculty/ito.htm